Vintage Church
Bible fed; Spirit Led
Each believer has a need for spiritual nourishment, to be Bible fed. Thus, we see an urgency to preach and teach the true, unfiltered, non-watered down Word of God. The Christ life that we are called to live is not a natural life: the love for our enemies, patience, humility, gentleness: all of these qualities are not natural to us; so they are supernatural. We can attempt to fake our way through the Christ-like life, or we can allow the Holy Spirit to live in us. We are a church that strives to walk by the Spirit, in the Spirit, yielding to the fruit of the Spirit.
Our goal is not to be the "cool church" or the "traditional church"; we desire to be THE church by living out Acts 2:42; "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."
We believe in the power of the Gospel: not only in our preaching and teaching but in our daily lives. We encourage each other to be real rather than religious, confessing rather than condescending, yet also to be filled with the Gospel of grace and truth our Lord Jesus Christ exemplified.